DELIVERY TIME (in more detail)
Delivery time for your print job begins to calculate once your order has been placed and your print-ready file has been uploaded and approved. If you ordered a physical sample of your printing job, your delivery time begins when we receive approval of it.
We will make every effort to notify you in a timely manner to begin production of your order. For example, if we identify during any stage of the ordering process that your file is not print-ready, we will notify you of the issue via e-mail as soon as possible. We will highlight and communicate to you any issues we have identified; however, we do not provide any design or layout advice and cannot guarantee that our production team will catch all potential design issues or identify any issues with the content (such typos, layer borders, etc.).
Our delivery time refers to our production turnaround time plus shipping time. Please note that the delivery time for your print job begins calculating once your order has been placed and your print-ready files have been uploaded, attached and approved. Your delivery time begins calculating when we receive approval of your digital proof. Digital proof is part of the production process, and as such it will not be generate until the print-ready file is uploaded and full payment is received. Please allow 1-2 hours for digital proof to be generated.
Delivery time will NOT begin calculating if:
A) Your files have not been submitted / uploaded to North Print;
B) Your files are not print-ready;
C) Approval of your proof has not been received by North Print
Please note that North Print assumes no responsibility for shipping delays caused by delivery carriers or any damages resulting from the failure to receive a job on time. Our expected arrival date, also known as delivery date, is an estimate only. North Print cannot be held responsible for delivery delays once the printing job leaves our production facility.
To minimize shipping delays, we have selected Purolator in Canada and UPS in the United States as our preferred shipping partners, and we will make every effort to work with you to ensure your job arrives on time. Our prices include the cost of shipping within Ontario and Quebec; however, certain areas could be designated as "Beyond Destination" by our shipping partners in which case any additional shipping surcharges associated with the delivery will be passed through without any additional mark up.
Date Holiday Name
January 1 New Year’s Day
Third Monday in February Family Day
Friday before Easter Day Good Friday
Monday on/or before May 24 Victoria Day
July 1 Canada Day
First Monday in August Civic Day
First Monday in September Labour Day
September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Second Monday in October Thanksgiving
November 11 Remembrance Day
December 25 Christmas Day
December 26 Boxing Day